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執筆者の写真TO+NY Magazine

ドラッグクイーンショー @Museum of sex

Museum of sexでドラッグクイーンのイベントが開催された。

ドラッグクイーンThe Bootsie Lefarisがポールダンスなどのパフォーマンスを披露。




A drag queen event was held at Museum of sex.

The Bootsie Lefaris, drag queens, performed pole dancing and more.

Many tips were thrown to the drag queens, which combined with the neon-lit atmosphere of the Museum of sex, made the event a great success.

Disney Princes dressed as a drag queen were used as characters for this event, and limited edition postcards were sold, making it a very cute event.

Location: 233 5th Ave, New York, NY

Photos & Text by Risa



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