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執筆者の写真: TO+NY MagazineTO+NY Magazine

グーゲンハイム美術館に行ってきました!グーゲンハイムのギャラリー自体が螺旋状になっており、緩やかな坂を登りながら作品を見ていきます。 コレクション自体はセザンヌやゴッホなどの作品が多く、主に西洋美術です。


I visited the Guggenheim Museum! The Guggenheim galleries themselves is spiral-shaped, with a gentle slope leading up to view the works. The collection itself is mainly Western art, with many works by Cézanne, Van Gogh, and others.

The style of exhibits while climbing up the hill is rare, so I recommended for those who want to enjoy exhibits in a different way from others.


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